Mulberry Garden Bathampton Preschool

Our oldest members of the Mulberry family, aged 3-4 years

Preschool has space for 20 children to develop their independent play both indoors and outdoors.

Physical activity in the morning sets the children up for their day so we encourage games and garden play from the moment the children arrive.

We encourage child initiated play and follow our children’s interests, with lots of free flow play.

Sometimes we focus on small group or 1:1 activities, other times we engage with the whole group. We might go for a welly walk, or visit the local farm, the canal or local park.

We help children develop independent skills such as putting on shoes, coats and routine hand washing. A regular part of our day is preparing children for early reading and writing with lots of activities around letters and sounds.

Register for Mulberry Garden Pre-School in Bathampton, Bath

Register for Mulberry Garden Nursery in Bathampton by completing the form linked below and emailing it to You can also send any questions you have about our services to the same address.

Pre-School Session Times & Fees

Full Day (8am - 6pm) - £69.50
Short Day (8am - 3:30pm) - £55.50
AM (8am - 1pm) - £43.50
PM (1pm - 6pm) - £43.50